Joe Kort, PhD, MSW, MA, is a certified Imago Relationship Therapist and a board certified clinical sexologist specializing in sex therapy and sexual identity. He is a member of the Society for the Advancement of Sexual Health, the Academy of Certified Social Workers, and the American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors, and Therapists AASECT. Kort offers workshops for couples and Am I Gay If I Watch Gay Porn, and he runs various therapy groups for men who are struggling with sexual issues. He speaks and conducts workshops internationally, maintains and contributes to various blogs and online outlets, and writes newspaper and magazine articles. He is the author of three books, including Gay Affirmative Therapy for the Straight Clinician: The Essential Guide. He contributed a chapter on straight men who have sex with men in Mending A Shattered Heart: A Guide For The Partners of Sex Addicts. Alexander P. Morgan, PhD, is a scientist and writer. Kenneth Adams. A Woodrow Wilson Fellow and a National Science Foundation Fellow, he is a recipient of the Melville Medal from the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. He has published more than fifty professional articles. Morgan works with a variety of healthcare professionals to bring their expertise to the public in clear and accessible language. Anmeldung Mein Konto Merkzettel 0. Toggle navigation alle Medien Bücher eBooks Hörbücher Medical Equipment. Erweiterte Suche. Ihr Warenkorb 0. Erstmals als Chat-Book mit KI-basierter Online-Anwendung! Aktuell Fachbuch-Bestseller Top Vorbesteller Geschenke Sonderangebote SPIEGEL-Bestseller gute Bücher. Services Gutscheine PremiumCard Newsletter WissensBox. Ärztliches Erfahrungswissen für die 20 wichtigsten Herkunftsländer - eBook jetzt herunterladen! Bewegend, ehrlich und urkomisch: die Fortsetzung von Hapes Lebensgeschichte. Zeitschriften Info Kontakt Services Zeitschriften Portal. B2B Service Bibliotheken Krankenhäuser Kanzleien Unternehmen Öffentliche Hand Open Access. Das passende Stethoskop finden:. Modelle Anatomische Modelle Somso-Modelle. Neu: Persönliche Odyssee durch die Pionierzeit des Internets. Verlagsprogramm Medizin Studium Medizin Praxis Heilpraktiker Veterinärmedizin Informatik Naturwiss. Lehmanns Media Über den Verlag Für Autoren Rezensionsexemplar? Verlagskontakte Open Access Repository. Is My Husband Gay, Straight, or Bi? A Guide for Women Concerned about Their Men. Joe Kort Autor. Infos Infos Autor Produkt-Details Infos Autor Produkt-Details. Just married and pregnant, she discovers that her husband has been meeting Brad for sex. Can my marriage survive? These and other stories illustrate the difficulties inherent when a wife or girlfriend finds out her man has had or wants to have sexual contact with other men. But many times, the man is not gay or even bisexual. Here Joe Kort and Alexander P. The authors explain the many reasons why straight men may be drawn to gay sex; how to tell whether a man is gay, straight, or bisexual; and what the various options are for these couples, who can often go on to have very fulfilling marriages. Is My Husband Gay, Straight or Bi?
Men and Lesbians Why not straight and bisexual women? Weitere Informationen auf der Seite des Autors. Is My Husband Gay, Straight, or Bi? Get Help Find a Therapist Find a Treatment Center Find a Psychiatrist Find a Support Group Find Online Therapy Members Login Sign Up International Australia Austria Belgium Canada Denmark Hong Kong Ireland New Zealand Singapore South Africa Sweden Switzerland. Problem beim Laden der Informationen Leider konnten wir die Herstellerinformationen aufgrund eines Problems nicht anzeigen.
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