Blitz Club is a techno nightclub in the Munich district of Ludwigsvorstadt-Isarvorstadt. The club is located in the former congress hall of the Deutsches Museumcompleted in at the location of Munich's Museumsinsel 1 "museum island ". The building housed Munich's largest concert hall and a planetarium untilafter which it became an IMAX cinema. The congress hall then stood empty for seven years, until the club's operators applied for permission to transform it into a club in This was due to the numerous structural challenges posed by the building being located on a river island. The club eventually opened on 22 April In total, the club can accommodate up to guests. The sound architecture is the main feature of the club, and has been discussed repeatedly by music magazines [ 7 ] [ 8 ] [ 9 ] and Blitz Club München Gay journals. Instead of concentrating the attention on the DJ and placing them on a raised stagethe main floor and the sound system were designed to set the focus on the dance floor and the dancers. The operators of the club consist of former crew members of the clubs Bob BeamanCharlieRegistraturKingand Kong Club. The club has a strict ban on photography and filming to ensure that guests can concentrate fully on dancing. The club's opening event on 22 April made headlines throughout Germany. This resulted in a major fire brigade and police intervention to defuse the situation. Police and fire services blocked a nearby major arterial road, cleared the venue's front terrace and sent hundreds of people home. In contrast to the club, the restaurant does not operate a photo ban. Blitz Club is regularly featured in national and international daily newspapers and news magazines, specialist magazines for electronic music and club culture, as well as journals for architecture and sound architecture. On Resident Advisorthe nightclub is rated as one of the most popular clubs in Munich 2nd place, as of October Contents move to sidebar hide. Article Talk. Read Edit View history. Tools Tools. What links here Related changes Upload file Special pages Permanent link Page information Cite this page Get shortened URL Download QR code. Download as PDF Printable version. In other projects. Wikimedia Commons Wikidata item. Nightclub in Munich, Germany. Not to be confused with Blitz Kidsa club night at the London nightclub Blitz associated with the New Romantics subcultural movement. History and Blitz Club München Gay [ edit ]. Sound and club architecture [ edit ]. DJs, music and scene [ edit ]. Entry criteria [ edit ]. Fire brigade and police operations on the opening day [ edit ]. Blitz Restaurant [ edit ]. Recognition [ edit ]. Awards [ edit ].
Löwennacht – a night of sensual freedom im BLITZ Club
Löwennacht – a night of sensual freedom im BLITZ Club - MLC Münchner Löwen Club e.V. Freitag im Monat. Mehr. DEEP @ Palais Club München: Die angesagteste schwul-queere Party, jeden 1. „Cruise“ heißt die Gay-Party im Blitz Club. Für die bunte Community und open-minded people. Seit Beginn der Veranstaltung hat man auf ausgelassene Rave-Atmosphäre und hochkarätiges Booking gesetzt. Süddeutsche ZeitungNot to be confused with Blitz Kids , a club night at the London nightclub Blitz associated with the New Romantics subcultural movement. Fame Munich. Every Saturday there are cool drinks, party and live DJs in the Prosecco Bar. The gay party on Wednesday! All dressed up to the nines with full speed ahead!
"fesch" Wirtshaus & Stehausschank
Seit Beginn der Veranstaltung hat man auf ausgelassene Rave-Atmosphäre und hochkarätiges Booking gesetzt. Für die bunte Community und open-minded people. Ab Uhr im BLITZ Club Access via Ludwigsbrücke, Museumsinsel 1, München; Tickets: 20 – 25 Euro unter: „Cruise“ heißt die Gay-Party im Blitz Club. DEEP @ Palais Club München: Die angesagteste schwul-queere Party, jeden 1. Der Blitz Club auf der Museumsinsel ist einmalig in der Stadt Hin und wieder gibt's auch ein Konzert oder eine der besten Gay-Partys der Stadt. Mehr. Freitag im Monat.Weiter spannende Events in München sind das Queer Film Festival , das nun schon einige Jahre in Folge stattfindet. Das Publikum ist vor allem freitags sehr jung, die Musik poppig. Through founding institutions like the Future Terror party series or the Bitta imprint he was also crucial for fostering new Nippon talent. In other projects. The Werkroom YOU Loft Munich: no event. Auch die Dragszene ist in München gut vertreten. Pink Paradise Party Prosecco Bar: Every Wednesday from pm. Every Friday it's fun, dance, drink and party. Wenn man die Lovers nicht gerade in der Senatore Bar oder im Utopia trifft, dann wandeln sie als lebende Kunstfiguren im Kunst Block Balve umher. Skip to content. Fame Party Munich G3-Club Munich: no event. Our tips for gay bars, gay clubs, lesbian parties and queer events in Munich. Latin beats , Queer hearts! Entdecken Sie die Lieblingsorte des Queen-Sängers und erfahren Sie mehr über seine Vorlieben, seine Freunde und die ein oder andere Geschichte. Retrieved 4 October Sweet To Be Gay Party. Karaoke Party Bar Rendezvous: no event. Resident Advisor. For the colorful community and open-minded people. Baunetz Wissen. Viel früher — Ende der Sechzigerjahre — eröffnete mit dem Ochsengarten eine der ersten Lederbars in Deutschland. New Year's Eve Party Bar Rendezvous: Tuesday December 31, from pm. Ever since their smash hit Yours and other great collab tracks, it is hard not to mention Steffi and Virginia in the same breath. The Werkroom: Munich's hottest gay and queer party at YOU Loft! The Queer Latin Party Munich. His extolled style draws its magic from a specific blend that is intoxicating as it is obscure.