Suggest an edit. Is this because I am not or do not speak German? Barman is cute tho but this was rude! My intention was not mentioning anything racist yet sometimes people do not want to deal with tourists language can be barrier for communicating. We both explained our reasons and now everything is solved. Thanks again for paying attention to my comment and taking a serious action. I reported that I got physically sexually harassed in the bathroom and the barkeeper told me to not come to the bar if I don't want to be touched. I used to be a regular but never went there again and never will. A dive-like bar with a cozy vibe and very friendly patrons and staff. Made several friends hanging out here and really appreciated the hip hop playlist was ready for a little break from techno. If you want to go out but are looking for a change of pace from the club scene, this is a great spot. Don't go to this bar. I was having a great time until this old hag dressed like a Gay Bar Berlin Schuene was super rude. She didn't like that I was ignoring her after she made it super awkward to be at that bar then told me I needed to go home after 2 vodka sodas. Super fun atmosphere. I met a very friendly patron sitting at the bar as well. However the bartender was beyond rude. First time there so I asked what vodkas they have because they have a giant wall of liquor behind the bar. The bartender sarcastically replied "we have vodka I waiter another 10 mins for him to stop chatting with friends who weren't even at the bar. Finally he comes back, i sheepishly order a beer down it and leave. Seems like I was sized up pretty hard as a tourist and that's a shame. We weren't drunk, loud or inappropriate. We wanted to order another drink, however the bartender who was very obviously drugged, drunk, or both didn't want to sell us drinks, even though we had money. The reason: we didn't tip Gay Bar Berlin Schuene earlier. How do I know? Because he literally said: "No tips, no drinks" I was gobsmacked! Even the two guys next to us were shocked and asked him how he can even say such thing. I didn't tip him because his service was abysmal. All night he was extremely arrogant towards us and other customers. You could see on other people's faces that they felt intimidated by his behaviour. Roses is known in Berlin as a place of tolerance, and I hope that management will do something about this. At the end of the day, we were paying costumers! Deeply disappointed. I was pretty underwhelmed by this place. The interior is weird definitely and in a cool way. However the crowd is really old. I've been earlier in the evening ish and closer to 1, both times I was just bored by the music and the Gay Bar Berlin Schuene. I wish I could say nice things, because I really wanted to like this place, but i guess it just wasn't meant to be. Just FYI. I was looking at a photo of my husband and a friend on our mantel from when we took a photo Roses in my first trip to Berlin in I've been back several times since and, first, am amazed by how gentrified Kreuzberg has become. Where's my favorite doner shop we'd stop at after a night out with a stop in Roses?
Strandbad Wannsee - FKK Strand
BERRIES (@berriesberlin) • Instagram-Fotos und -Videos BERRIES 10th anniversary. Nov. 29th Club night focused on hip hop & beyond led by co-founder Tchuani / @gay-guide-club.gayu. LGBTQI+ Club mit mehreren Tanzflächen und großem Innenhof. Hier genießt du Berliner Minimal Techno, Vocal House, Nu-Disco und Speed Garage. Für einen. Scheune Berlin – Das OriginalOh no 0. Everywhere you look, there are quirky, irreverent decorations and blinking lights. Zahlreiche Rooftop-Bars und Clubs bieten atemberaubende Blicke auf Berlin. Das Bauchtanz-Beat-Event findet jeden letzten Samstag im Monat statt und ist nicht nur in der Homoszene angesagt. Besuchen uns.
Kommende Veranstaltungen:
Google Maps: Routenplaner. Adresse: Oranienstr. BERRIES 10th anniversary. Nov. 29th Gute Tanzeinlagen & lustig! Öffnungszeiten: / Uhr. Floors: 1. Preise/Eintritt: Eintritt ab 3 Euro. Mehr lesen. Hier genießt du Berliner Minimal Techno, Vocal House, Nu-Disco und Speed Garage. Bezirk: Kreuzberg. Insgesamt sehenswert. LGBTQI+ Club mit mehreren Tanzflächen und großem Innenhof. Gut, gelaunte, humorvolle, Tänzer. Club night focused on hip hop & beyond led by co-founder Tchuani / @gay-guide-club.gayu. Gute Stimmung!!! Gute Drinks. Für einen.All photos 13 photos. Der originale Burgermeister-Standort unter den U-Bahn-Schienen am Schlesischen Tor. Es gibt viele Theorien darüber, warum das Berghain so exklusiv ist. Einheimische kommen auf diesen Markt, um einzukaufen und einen Happen zu essen. Es wurde in dieser Zeit immer mal wieder geschlossen. War die letzte Woche mehrmals dort und bin immer auf meine Kosten gekommen. GAY FETISH CLUB. Sonntag ist die Naked Party mit viel Hardcore-Action. Grand Prairie, TX. Natürlich wird im Club auch bei der Silvesterparty ins nächste Jahr getanzt. Ich bin vor mehr als zwei Monaten angekommen, und obwohl ich nicht wirklich versucht habe, in alle Lounges und Bars zu gehen, wurde ich immer zu einigen mitgeschleift. Casey T. People Also Viewed. Bar Tausend. Other Places Nearby Find more Kneipe near Roses Bar. Verstehe nicht wieso alle GH zugemacht werden müssen. Ich habe noch nie so viele erstaunliche Veranstaltungsorte in einer Stadt gesehen. Aug 14, Previous review. Die Top 10 Aktivitäten in Innsbruck. Dieser Raum ist auch mit der Toilette verbunden. Der Ort selbst ist wirklich beeindruckend, ebenso wie der riesige Weihnachtsbaum und all die Marktstände, an denen von handgemachten Waren über verschiedene Schokoladen- und Zuckerdrageesnacks bis hin zum köstlichen Glühwein alles angeboten wird. Super fun atmosphere. Die Atmosphäre in der City ist frei und locker, superlustig, aber entspannt. Ihr greift in das innerste Mark ein. Karte stimmt nicht? Diese Website wird betrieben von Bar SCHEUNE Inh. Gut und günstig essen in Salzburg. How do I know? Er hatte Laser, die aus der Decke ragten, und eine Lounge-Bestuhlung im hinteren Teil. Klappe Geschichtsgebäude FU , Cruising Du findest uns täglich ab Uhr in der Motzstrasse 25, Berlin. Warum braucht man solche Löcher? Klar, der Vergleich hinkt, dennoch bricht sich genau diese paranoide Mitläufermentalität hier bahn. However the bartender was beyond rude. Hier kann man vom Alltag mal so richtig abschalten und den Abend zum Tag machen.