Collection: Degree Films X jumps first. Down in the water, he's not allowed to change position. The goal for Y and Z is to jump as close as possible to X. The one who jumps closest to X wins the game. Even for the year old gentle-natured Yannik. Where is the line between game and reality and what happens if that line is crossed? Am Begründung der Jury: Wir entschieden, einen Film auszuzeichnen, dessen Regisseur sich der Spezifizität des kurzen Formats bewusst ist und ein Werk schuf, in welchem die Wahl des Settings, der unerschrockenen jungen Schauspieler sowie die beeindruckende Kameraarbeit in kurzer Zeit eine einnehmende Atmosphäre und Spannung kreieren. September Deutscher Nachwuchspreis - FIRST STEPS September Zwei Preise. Am Deutschen Nachwuchspreis FIRST STEPS werden zwei Gay Filme Bei Ok Ur drei nominierten Filme mit dem 1. Three degree films are nominated by the "Deutscher Nachwuchspreis - FIRST STEPS": In the category "Best short film": "Millimeterle" by Pascal Reinmann, graduate Bachelor of Arts in Film In the category "Best Documentary": "My Life as Film" by Eva Vitija and "Raving Iran" by Susanne Regina Meures, graduates Master of Arts in Film. March — March Bunter Hund - Int. Kurzfilmfest München Munich Germany. January — January Tally Shorts Tallahassee Florida USA. January Tournai Ramdam Festival Tournai Belgium International Competition. November — November up and coming - int. November — 8. November Curta Cinema Festival Rio de Janeiro Rio de Janeiro Brazil Swiss Short Focus. July — 5. August Fünf Seen Filmfestival Starnberg Seefeld Herrsching Germany. May — 7. April — 4. April — 1. May Int. Studentenfilmtage SEHSÜCHTE Potsdam Germany. April — April Rencontres du Film Court Madagascar. March — 8. April FIFF - Festival Int. March Landshuter Kurzfilmfestival Landshut Germany. March Schweizer Jugendfilmtage Zürich Schweiz.
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Moritz & Luis - part 1 (sub eng) - video Dailymotion The film follows Daniel from heteronormative behaviour to finding a. Italien 90 Min. Regie: Piero Vivarelli Darsteller: Beryl Cunningham, Djbril Diop, Line Senghor, Fatou Djame, Isseu Niang. It Is Not The Homosexual is a provocative look at the lives of gay men in s Germany. Film / SalzgeberHome Movies Students News Information. She starts to questions everything about her marriage with Frank and wonders if her whole life with him has been a lie Zwischen Verzweiflung und Begehren, Auflehnung und unbändigem Überlebenswillen wird Baldiga im Angesicht des nahen eigenen Todes zum Chronisten der West-Berliner Subkultur. Möchten Sie zu Ihrer lokalen Seite wechseln? January Tally Shorts Tallahassee Florida USA
The film follows Daniel from heteronormative behaviour to finding a. Gay · MICHAEL Trailer Deutsch | German [HD] · YOUNG HEARTS Trailer Deutsch | German [HD] · YOUNG HEARTS OV Trailer [HD] · DREI KILOMETER BIS ZUM ENDE DER WELT. It Is Not The Homosexual is a provocative look at the lives of gay men in s Germany. In her new film, Am I Ok?, actress Dakota Johnson plays a newly out lesbian making her way in the world of LGBTQIAs The trailer, which. Italien 90 Min. Regie: Piero Vivarelli Darsteller: Beryl Cunningham, Djbril Diop, Line Senghor, Fatou Djame, Isseu Niang.Kurzfilmfest München Munich Germany. Soundtracks Goodbye Rickylein uncredited Performed by Flurin Giger. Divorce Hub say there's a way to end things gently. More like this. Storyline Edit. After eighteen years of marriage, Alice finds herself confronted with the fact that her husband Frank feels more and more attracted to men. January Tally Shorts Tallahassee Florida USA. We talk to the ballet dancing, nail polished, boxing champion Harry Garside. Einer unserer Support-Mitarbeiter wird sich in Kürze bei Ihnen melden. Eine Kopie der Chatnachrichten senden. November Curta Cinema Festival Rio de Janeiro Rio de Janeiro Brazil Swiss Short Focus. March European Film Festival of Lille Lille France November — We talk Darren Hayes, The Weeknd, Todrick Hall, Omar Rudberg and Nathan Mahon and Nick Tsirimokos. Three degree films are nominated by the "Deutscher Nachwuchspreis - FIRST STEPS": In the category "Best short film": "Millimeterle" by Pascal Reinmann, graduate Bachelor of Arts in Film In the category "Best Documentary": "My Life as Film" by Eva Vitija and "Raving Iran" by Susanne Regina Meures, graduates Master of Arts in Film. Pascal Reinmann. May Int. April Rencontres du Film Court Madagascar. Runtime 1 hour 34 minutes. Die Kinofilme, zu denen sie die Musik beisteuerten, reichen von eleganten Komödien der Weimarer Zeit über ambivalente Melodramen im Dritten Reich bis zu Filmen in den Wirtschaftswunderjahren. Die beiden Frauen sind entschlossen, für ihre Liebe zu kämpfen, zu singen und zu tanzen! Nice, heartfelt film. April — 1. Ein nackter Geflüchteter wird in einem Koffer an das Ufer der Themse gespült. Fresh, smart and gender diverse, More Than This ticks all our boxes. Where most films with this subject tend to focus on the struggle of the man Disney backlash, Steps star calls out gay hate and Ukraine gays fight. Stella Zaccone Kind 4 Geburtstagsfest. January Solothurner Filmtage Solothurn Switzerland "Periphery" is nominated for the Audiance Award January Tournai Ramdam Festival Tournai Belgium International Competition. Nicolas Rosat Robert. Linda Olsansky Monica. To be able to be true to yourself you need to sacrifice some aspects of your life. It is a joy to watch Ursina Lardi April FIFF - Festival Int.