About Us Privacy Policy Removal Request. Visit Tumblr Blog. Explore Tumblr blogs with no restrictions, modern design and the best experience. Last Seen Tumblr Blogs. Fun Fact. Ken Ichijoji x Davis Motomiya Daiken Ken Ichijoji Davis Motomiya digimon Mandark x Dexter Mandark Dexter dexter laboratory David Xanatos x Owen Burnett David Xanatos Owen Burnett disney gargoyles anime cartoon slash ships slash shipping poll ship poll poll gif. ShanxPennywise Traditional Art Lineart Old Art Monochrome Ink Drawing Drawing Practice Fanart Crossover Cartoon Anime Manga Favourite Villains Horror Horror Fan. Townsville's heroes, and saviors from ultimate doom, heroes from the evils of villains! Have now grown up from little girls to their teens, and eventually turning 18 years old. They retired briefly in High School, in order to pursue Academics, Blossom was training up to be either an engineer, or a scientist like the Professor, for years she's been building a thesis on Chemical X, which has a long history, if you asked her about it she would go off on where exactly it came from, why it's so powerful, etc. His smug grin every time boils her blood, thankfully both Mandark's rivals are friends, mhm, Dexter is friends with Blossom, and together they come up with amazing science experiments, Brick will help on occasion too, he's more of a math and statistics kind of guy, than a science guy, but he's good friends with Blossom, and might have a tiny crush on her, so he's willing to help any time. Bubbles and Boomer were in the arts together, Bubbles is still a really good painter, and even made a full scale mural of the Professor, and them in the living room once, where it still stays to this very day, she mostly does landscaping and flower paintings, and sells them for a lot of money, Boomer however is more of a digital artist, he likes Gay Digimon Porn Tumblr animations, and has thought of making his own series many times, mostly he makes animation memes, and draws fanart, and sells prints of his work online, and at cons. Buttercup and Butch were the main athletes in High School for a very long time, competing in a lot of Competitions since they were like 10, Buttercup was an absolute BEAST at soccer, scoring multiple times in a row, while Butch competed mainly in a good game of Tennis, and was known only as the King of Tennis at School. Mojo Jojo had retired from villainy at that time as well, because he could not defeat the Powerpuff Girls at his hands! At the moment! But also because he was just in general very very tired, and just wanted to binge his new favorite show Lake Oak, a good drama, but when they killed off his favorite Gay Digimon Porn Tumblr for being gay, he returned to a life of villainy. In that time Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup, even Brick, Boomer, and Butch, and yes even Dexter discovered some things about themselves. Blossom found that she was kind of bi, discovered this when she easily crushed on any nerdy girl or boy or nb person, just falling for them, of course Dexter, and Brick are still friends, despite reaching her level of nerdiness, but yeah. Brick found himself to be pretty bi himself as well, he even crushed on the same kind of people as Blossom did, intelligent nerdy individuals, and even crushed on Blossom and Dexter for a bit during High School, but they all collectively decided to stay friends, just friends. Now Dexter discovered that he was an Asexual, but wouldn't mind dating anyone, and got crushes all the time, he's also a bit pan, and is crushing hard on someone currently, but everytime Brick and Blossom asks he kinda clams up a bit about it. Now Buttercup found that she was a big lesbian, loved girls, any athletic girl, and Butch found himself to be very gay for athletic guys, very very VERY gay for athletic guys. The amount of athletic people Buttercup and Butch fawn over together is very high, if you asked them who their crush is, they'd probably short circuit thinking of all the muscly ones Gay Digimon Porn Tumblr crushed on. Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup were thrust completely back into crime fighting during their sophomore year, when trouble struck once more, and evil reared its ugly head, with new and old villains coming out of the woodworks to stop them from having a normal High School experience. But they still manage to save the day! In the end! Nothing can stop them really, they're the Powerpuff Girls! Of course it's that same old story most tell of a High School kid balancing their academic life, social life, and fighting giant monsters, and dastardly villains life. Finally though they reach the age of 18, and get to take a break, a cruise might be nice. If you disagree with any of the criteria selected or think more criteria should be selected, please give a reason why! Characters detailed here: Martin Prince The SimpsonsMaxie PokemonMelvin Sneedly Captain UnderpantsSniffles Happy Tree FriendsStanford Pines Gravity FallsSteroids Nuclear Throne. There are more characters starting with S - they Gay Digimon Porn Tumblr be in the next and final Checklist post. Martin Prince The Simpsons Maxie Pokemon Melvin Sneedly Captain Underpants Sniffles Happy Tree Friends Stanford Pines Gravity Falls Steroids Nuclear Throne Nuclear Throne Contestants Centre. Im not sure if my writings gotten better but I'll be re writing and reposting these on a03 yes i know its 2 shots but eh little me was busy with his sockathan ask blog. Elaborating on my dexter's laboratory x bee swarm simulator au because i'm crazy. Dexter would be a white hive and mandark would be a red hive. I want to say dexter would be a blue hive bc that fits perfectly into the red vs blue thing going on in-game but the blue bees don't suit him very much They still try to make their bees fight. It never works because the bees are just little guys that don't understand. Hey Leute! Wer von euch hat schon mal versucht, Tiernamen für Trios zu finden? Hier sind einige meiner Lieblingsideen: 1. Ihr scharfes Schnabelwerk beeindruckt mich immer wieder. Wenn wir sie rufen, reagieren sie oft schneller und wissen, dass wir sie meinen.
Martin Prince The Simpsons Maxie Pokemon Melvin Sneedly Captain Underpants Sniffles Happy Tree Friends Stanford Pines Gravity Falls Steroids Nuclear Throne Nuclear Throne Contestants Centre. Feel free :. I started college in October and I, uh, well, I wrote my fics during class. Fast schon zu real, nahm er die kühlen Fliesen der Badewanne in seinem Rücken wahr, spürte seine Nägel, die sich schon fast schmerzhaft fest in seine Handflächen gruben, hörte das Blut in seinen Ohren rauschen und seinen Herzschlag, der sich immer mehr beschleunigte. Ich horte einige meiner Kindheitswerke noch in einem Ordner. Ken Ichijoji x Davis Motomiya Daiken Ken Ichijoji Davis Motomiya digimon Mandark x Dexter Mandark Dexter dexter laboratory David Xanatos x Owen Burnett David Xanatos Owen Burnett disney gargoyles anime cartoon slash ships slash shipping poll ship poll poll gif.
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Da die Serie Digimon heißt, mag ich es immer sehr, wenn Digimon auch als eigenständige Figuren mit Wünschen und Zielen behandelt werden, weshalb. Explore Tumblr posts and blogs tagged as #mandark x dexter with no restrictions, modern design and the best experience | Tumgik. Also was haltet ihr vom Ende der Digimon Adventure Staffeln. Was haltet ihr von der Idee, dass alle Menschen nun Digimonpartner haben und von. Für alle die die Story nicht kennen, ich hab mir so meine Gedanken gemacht was gewesen wäre, wenn Ringos vermeintliche HIV Infektion keine Lüge gewesen wäre und.GIF by britappreciation. Nicht nur das, ich finde auch Goma hat sic auch mehr um Joe gekpmmert, als seine Eltern. Hab ne Rechtsschreibschwäche Einerseits gut das es nicht wie in Naruto ist, andererseits ist es schon irgendwie schade. I tag xstrangesoundsx and everyone who wants to do this. Jo And His lascivious ally make a decision Its Time To Pull It Out. Irgendwer hat sich bei den Kampfszenen wirklich die Mühe gemacht, Rosemons Brüste wackeln zu lassen und das zu animieren. In meinem neuen Headcanon glaube ich, dass Himekawa wahrscheinlich Baihumon als Partner hatte. Zitat von Nahria Two large males three. Keine Ahnung, ich mag ihr Design sehr, da finde ich's fesch, dass sie jetzt 'nen Auftritt in der Serie hat. Einerseits wirkt es wie eine sehr extreme charakterliche Veränderung und gerade das Aufleuchten von Meikos Digivice könnte, ähnlich wie damals bei Skull Greymon in Adventure auf eine Art falsche, 'böse' Perfect-Digitation hindeuten. I only continued it about 4 years later, when I started feeling so guilty about abandoning the fic that I said "Nah, I am going to rewatch this damn show for the sole purpose of finishing this damn story" in Fun Fact. Bin gerade auch wieder im Digimonfieber und hab nach der ersten Staffel jetzt mit der zweiten angefangen. Jetzt hör doch mal auf zu Quatschen Ringsy. Denke das sollte nur interessant klingen und erklärt etwas warum es Legende über die Auserwählten gibt. Auch nicht Maekawa. Tumblr ist als Blogging-Plattform, durch globale Vernetzung über Tags und die Reblog-Kultur, nicht vergleichbar mit anderen sozialen Netzwerken wie z. Die Sachlage verändert sich. Das hätte nicht sein müssen wobei ich persönlich allgemein ein Bisschen traurig bin, dass Mimi jetzt schon das dritte Mädchen im Franchise ist, das ein Rosemon hat. Also goddamn, the anime did him dirty by nerfing him so much, let him knock Bandit Keith on his ass, anime. Explore Tumblr blogs with no restrictions, modern design and the best experience. Und nach ihrem Gespräch war Mimi zwar noch öfters im Bild, aber das Problem mit dem man sich für den Rest des Films dann noch auseinandergesetzt hat, war das von Jo. Buff Rawdawging lad Cums. Natürlich drücken die meisten Schöpfer ihrer Werke zu Werbezwecken ein Auge zu. Und ja, es wäre verdammt interessant, weil