Born June in Stamford, a small farming community in west Texas, Neal grew up in the cattle industry working for the family business, Bowie Livestock Commission Co. He also participated, very briefly, in the rodeo circuit as a bull rider. After graduating from High School, Neal attended Midwestern State University working toward an Art Degree. Seeking a broader horizon, Neal moved to Dallas where he was introduced to the world of cosmetics. He has now worked in the cosmetics industry for over 30 years with brands such as Bobbi Brown, Nars, Bare Minerals, and Artis. Neal met his husband, Hugh Nini, in March of Though Hugh and Neal consider themselves to have been married for 28 years, they Gay Covboy Siefel Ins Gesicht the earliest available opportunity to legally establish their union in when the state of Massachusetts became the first state in the US to pass marriage equality. The first photograph came from an antique store in Dallas. The photograph was of two men in a loving embrace mixed within random photos of a Dallas neighborhood from the s. Our collection of over vintage photos of romantic couples spanning the years between the s and s is the basis for our book. LOVING: A Photographic History shines a new light on the most written about, dramatized, or filmed emotions — love. The pages of our book portray love, but also courage — the courage that it took to memorialize that unmistakable look that occurs between two people in love. LOVING: A Photographic History celebrates a loving past — a past that points towards the future. Hugh Nini was born in Beaumont, TX, inthe second of seven children. He grew up in Houston, TX, and later owned and operated a ballet school, the Denton Ballet Academy, for thirty-three years before moving to New York City in Though ballet is his greatest love and chosen career, his first love was the French Horn, where he enjoyed great success as Principal Horn in the UNT Symphony under the direction of Anshel Brusilow. After leaving classical music behind and turning his full attention to ballet, his students immediately, and consistently, began achieving success on both national and international levels. Beginning in he founded, and served as Artistic Director for twenty-five years, the Festival Ballet of North Central Texas. In addition to the more than 30 repertory ballets, Nini has choreographed two full length ballets; The Snow Queen and The Nutcracker. Currently, he works Gay Covboy Siefel Ins Gesicht a private ballet coach in Manhattan and is on the faculty of the Joffrey Ballet. Post championships and their showing days, their red heads, Ryan, Scarlet, Streeter, and Reba, served full time sofa surfers at home in Dallas. Hugh considers his wonderful husband to be the second luckiest guy in the world. Meeting, falling in love with, and marrying Neal, makes him the luckiest guy in the world. Report an issue with this product. Previous slide of product details. See all details. Next slide of product details. About the authors Follow authors to get new release updates, plus improved recommendations. Previous page. Neal Treadwell. Brief content visible, double tap to read full content. Full content visible, double tap to read brief content. Photo of Neal by Bill Westmoreland. See more on the author's page. Hugh Nini.
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