This trendy queer party is one of the most colorful events of the city. A lot of tolerance and a friendly vibe are clearly at the center of this amazing happening. Everyone is welcome who brings good humor and respect for others. Great DJs create a stunning atmosphere here and make the dance floor shake. As a special highlight, talented drag queens heat up the guests properly with fantastic performances. A dark room is also waiting to be explored. Queerpool Party. Copyright: Queerpool Queerpool Party: LGBT Techno Party positive queer raves from Hamburg This trendy queer party is one of the most colorful events of the city. Closed - opens h. Saturday - Recommended by Pinky. This location guarantees you can be who you are! Live singing, acrobatics, drag and travesty: Unique drag and travesty revue show at the Pulverfass Cabaret on the Reeperbahn. Colors of 90s Pulverfass Cabaret: until September 30, Gay Party In Hamburg Daniel's Company. Every Saturday it's party time at Daniel's. Then hip scene DJs from Hamburg and Berlin, among other places, play. Party with DJ DJ Around Elias Daniel's Company: Saturday December 21, from pm to am. Toom Peerstall. The colorful scene pub on St. Pauli, Hamburg. Cozy pub Gay Party In Hamburg the queer community, with good atmosphere and prices. Closed - opens today h. Queerfilmnacht Metropolis. Queer Film Night Metropolis Cinema: Monday December 23, at pm. FridayParty Daniel's Company. Every Friday it's gay party time at Daniel's. Frigay Party with DJ Mike B. Daniel's Company: Friday December 20, from pm to am. Dragon Deal. The Dragon Deal offers a EUR 5 discount on a locker in Hamburg's largest gay sauna in the queer district of St. Georg every Tuesday. Dragon Deal Dragon Sauna Hamburg: Jeden Dienstag von bis Uhr. Club DARE! The 80s party for gays and their friends. The event takes place in the Theater-Bar Nachtasyl at the Thalia Theater Hamburg. Pop, Wave, Italo Disco and Dance Classics. PINK INC. Youngsters Apollo Sauna. The Youngster Sana Day on Monday at the Apollo Sauna Hamburg. Admission for young men between 18 and 28 years only 10 EUR. Youngsters Sauna Apollo Sauna: Every Monday from pm. Here you can find our hotspots.
Pauli, das Millerntorstadion, haben wir zum beben gebracht. Georg every Tuesday. Closed - opens today h. Copyright: Queerpool Queerpool Party: LGBT Techno Party positive queer raves from Hamburg This trendy queer party is one of the most colorful events of the city. Anmelden und den Superkosmos erleben.
Queeres Hamburg – Events, Bars und Parties
Einlass Uhr Schmidts. Pink INC · 4. Winter Pride Weihnachtsmarkt · 5. Top 5 Gay Partys in Hamburg, die du kennen solltest · 1. Wunderbar · 2. Hamburgs großes Gay Speed Dating · 3. Standard Ticket | Pink Inc Birthday Bash X Christmas Edition | Sa, @Schmidts Tivoli & Angies Nightclub. Standard Ticket. Club DARE! Die Veranstaltung findet in der Theater-Bar Nachtasyl im Thalia Theater Hamburg statt. Die 80er Jahre Party für Gays und ihre Freunde. GayWiesn. @Hofbräuhaus Speersort.Queerpool Party. Every Friday it's gay party time at Daniel's. Weekend Sauna. The Queer Film Festival attracts over visitors to Hamburg's cinemas every year in October. Burlesque shows Friday and Saturday, party admission from pm. Frigay Party with DJ Mike B. Mit immer neuen Ideen in den angesagtesten Locations der Stadt. Passwort vergessen Noch kein Mitglied? Jahreshighlights In St. Die schwule und lesbische Szene Hamburgs konzentriert sich vor allem in und um die Lange Reihe in St. Closed - opens today h. The popular hamburgers in the Lange Reihe, daily freshly tapped beer, long drinks and a good wine selection. Closed - opens h. Alle wurden offiziell gePINKT und gaben den Nächten zusätzlich ihr eigenes Strahlen. Colours of 90's Pulverfass Cabaret. Georg Übernachtung Günstig Last Minute Hotel Hamburg Hotel Speicherstadt Hostel Günstig. My Gay Travel Guide: Amerikanischer Blogger über Hamburgs Gay Nightlife. This location guarantees you can be who you are! Queerfilmnacht Metropolis. SaturdayParty Daniel's Company. Youngsters Apollo Sauna. Viele Special Guest folgten dem Ruf der PINK INC. Selbst Planten und Bloomen war nicht vor uns sicher und sogar das Heiligtum vom FC St. A lot of tolerance and a friendly vibe are clearly at the center of this amazing happening. Hello friend, bitte beachte, dass Du Dich bei Anmeldung oder Erstellung Deines Kontos mit unseren AGB einverstanden erklärst und zudem unsere Datenschutzerklärung zur Kenntnis genommen hast. Die sich seit 50 Shakes of Grey langsam in die Öffentlichkeit wagende BDSM-Szene ist in Hamburg natürlich auch vertreten. E-Mailadresse eingeben! The colorful scene pub on St. Places to be Die schwule und lesbische Szene Hamburgs konzentriert sich vor allem in und um die Lange Reihe in St. The new alternative queer party at the South Pole Hamburg. Recommended by Pinky. Every Saturday it's party time at Daniel's. Happy Hour Generation Bar. Live singing, acrobatics, drag and travesty: Unique drag and travesty revue show at the Pulverfass Cabaret on the Reeperbahn.