Since its establishment inthe People's Republic of China has upheld a nationwide ban on pornography, imposing harsh punishments on those caught purchasing, producing, or distributing materials deemed a violation of public morality. Rounding out this exploration of the many new tendencies in digital citizenship, pornography, and activist media cultures in the greater China region are thought-provoking interviews with individuals involved. Katrien Jacobs is associate professor in cultural studies at the Chinese University of Hong Kong and the author of Netporn: DIY Web Culture and Sexual Politics. Internet pornography will be defined here as a wide range of commercial and non-commercial online industries of eroticism and sexual labor. Chinese people participate in network culture as consumers and producers of sexually explicit media. They also contribute as critical netizens through alternative representations of the sexual body and while engaging in a quest for the expansion of civil liberties. Since ancient obscenity laws and ethical norms maintain a ban on sexually explicit media, a discrepancy emerges between the climate of excess and the authoritarian methods of intimidation and censorship. The paper states that, inabout million people in China gathered information using search engines, and million communicated through real-time devices. There were over 1 million bulletin board systems bbs and million bloggers, while over 66 per cent of Chinese netizens frequently used the Internet in order to discuss various topics, express their opinions and represent their interests. As a result of this engagement, 60 per cent of netizens have a Edison Fan Gay Sex opinion of the fact that the government considers the Internet a manifestation of China's socialist democracy and progress. Whereas netizens' activities are generally seen as a sign of Internet maturity and progress, the White Paper argues that the Internet has also caused an influx of harmful content. It is stated that online pornography is damaging the physical and psychological health of young people, and this is identified as a prominent public concern. The Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Minors stipulates that the state shall. Xinhua Agency It is not made clear how or why online pornography is inherently harmful to minors, but that the thriving Chinese netizen culture ought to stay clear of the "cyber yellow danger. Meanwhile, as government officials continue to make innovations in their tactics of control and intimidation, web users have internalized surveillance culture as an everyday social gaze and a form of moralistic commentary. In order to capture this synchronization of positive excitement and condemnation, David Lyon has proposed a theory of surveillance culture that takes into account the dispersal of nation-state power and capitalism into micro-sites of work and play. In his vision, people are practicing a gaze onto others as a way of enjoying everyday technologies, work activities and life-styles. People may be stalking Edison Fan Gay Sex or leering at somebody's private sex affairs and political mishaps, or they may simply be practicing care and control as "focused, systematic, and routine attention to personal details for purposes of influence, management, protection, or direction" Lyon In either case, netizens have become accustomed to using digital devices in an endless search for, and in order to gaze at, juicy news items and sexual novelties within peer groups. Renren requires web users to register with their actual names and contact information, and its censorship rules are very strict, especially when it comes to tracking sensitive political keywords in its user-generated content. Following the Chinese law against sexually explicit images, Renren administrators will routinely remove all sexually explicit images that are occasionally uploaded and shared amongst friends. This ban on sexually explicit materials in social networks is also seen in other countries, but Chinese citizens have developed a certain ease or poise about the routines of uploading and deletion. Moreover, as the White Paper on Internet Policy indicates, social commentary is officially cherished and protected as a positive value and a basic freedom. Hence, people do feel encouraged to comment on their Internet experiences, including those with sexually explicit media and censorship. For instance, a gallery of DIY sex photos was uploaded on Renren on 5 December showing a naked girl playing with stuffed animals along with other toys. Renren Edison Fan Gay Sex responded quickly by praising the photos: "Wow We are witnessing an important moment in History" As will be shown throughout this book, sexual expressivity abounds and is taken up with ease, while sexually explicit videos and photographs are distributed and commented upon in the face of overly-reactionary governmental policies. These and other behaviors are a way of personally and collectively processing the politics of sex and artistic creativity. Artist and activist Ai Wei Wei, who was detained in Aprilexplained the aesthetics of social transformation this way: "It's about how to turn our basic right to information into a form that can Entdecke weitere Bücher des Autors, sehe ähnliche Autoren, lese Buchempfehlungen und vieles mehr. 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