Das experimentelle Radio an der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar UKW Dezember by bauhausfm-admin. For two weeks bahaus. You can listen to shows from our archive on our webstream or at Sphere Radio in Leipzig every monday pm. Tune in next year, January 6th ! Kommentare deaktiviert für bauhaus. November by bauhausfm-admin. Oktober by bauhausfm-admin. This showcase looks into the critical functions of music as an integral instrument of cultural pride, socio-political awareness and resistance from a pedagogical lens. Through the medium of sound, Theo Pluto will be recreating the Black sonic landscape of South Africa at different chronological indicators during the Apartheid era by way of themed and curated musical sets which reflect the times. Theo Pluto is a Cultural Geographer, Sonic Curator, Researcher, Archivist, Record Collector and Activist from Soweto Johannesburg, South Africa. Juli by bauhausfm-admin. Für das neue Semester treffen wir uns wieder am Mittwoch, Oktober um 14Uhr im Maschinenraum. Kommt vorbei, übernehmt den Äther! Stock statt. We will meet again Wednesday, October 16th at 2pm at Maschinenraum for the new semester. Join us and claim the frequencies! From mid July to October bahaus. Listen to shows from our archive on our webstream or Gay Fm Url Für Second Life Sphere Radio in Leipzig every monday pm. Kommentare deaktiviert für 48h-Show 11thth Broadcast schedule, July 13th. Kommentare deaktiviert für 48h-Show 11thth Broadcast schedule, July 12th. Kommentare deaktiviert für 48h-Show 11thth Broadcast schedule, July 11th. Juli by Mattachin. Participating artists: Vasilia Georgiou, Thanasis Kafetzis, Nora Kemken, Martin Kolb, Georgia Mantalia, Giuliana Marmo, Anna Martinatti, Panos Mazarakis, Meritxell Riveiro Corres, Evangelia Raftopoulou, Radu Reinhardt, Wiebke Rollmann, Florian Rommel, Stratos Serafeimidis, Eirini Tampasouli, Jolien Vandoorne, Lida Zacharopoulou. Urban Resonances. A mini podcast series featuring audio pieces approaching tourism, gentrification and the sound of the cities of Weimar and Athens. Nikos Arvanitis and a Fachmodule of the Experimental Radio Chair of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar Artistic Associate Lefteris Krysalis. Weimar and Athens, two cities with great differences, which share common characteristics, being both historical places that experience gentrification and touristification through different processes and faces. In this course, Gay Fm Url Für Second Life sonic related art practices we will explore the changes in the soundscapes of each city in search of the reverberations of the social and economic consequences and the transformation of the urban fabric. If gentrification is audible, is the soundscape of gentrification in a city like Athens different from that of Weimar? Which are the main actors of this change in the sound of the city? What is the role of the hipster, the nowadays student and the freelance artist in this urban gentrification? Are touristification and gentrification part of a polyphonic urban soundscape or part of its homogenization? What is the connection between these changes and local traditions and the emerging tradition of a contemporary nomadic colonialism? Does the soundscape have class origins? Is the sound of a demonstration a dissonance in the gentrified environment of these cities? These and many other questions are to be addressed by the participating students through the production of a minute experimental podcast episodes which will be presented in a live radio broadcast between the two cities and will be available on demand for future listening. Goal of the of course: The direct production of these audio pieces focusing on fragments and -or details of the given topic in order to create a mini series co-produced between Weimar and Athens.
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Tuesday, July 11th
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