I'm new in the game started january but i have dota 1 backgroundjust a normal skill sub 2k player. Just wanted to learn more about Juggernaut and hopefully i could get some friendly and useful advise from expert carry. I plan to spam the hero to hopefully climb up. There's too many suggested guide and i wanted to know which one would work for my bracket. Do i stick with my current item build? In what situation do i have to use diffusal, SB or nullifier? Jugger is good but in my opinion u can climb with other heros easily,riki is as op as fuck right now and clinz,people in ur bracket dont buy detection most of the time and dont play around the supports. He's especially good in lower brackets because of how difficult he is to kill without coordination or planning. General tips based on your matches:. First pick jugg, ppl don't know how to counter him in 2k. Get q blade, stick from side shop. Try denying as much as u can. If u have a support with slow or stun kill enemy offlane. I've been spamming jugg for mmr and raised mmr in archon 3 so I Dota 2 Gay Jugegrnaut tell from experience that jugg is really insane carry for 2k cause ppl don't know how to deal with spin and omni. Just end games with 3 big items if you can by pushing early. Good luck my fellow jugg spammer. I don't think you should prioritize item builds. But I think you should learn each impact an item will bring to your games. As each match have their own lineups you should know what items are more beneficial for you in that specific game. For example : -Aquila not just give decent stats and mana regen it also gives you more potential for early push aura. I just started watching BSJ coaching sessions on youtube recently. I personally like his content because it is very informative. I highly recommend watching his content if you have the time to do it. So its true that in every dota forums ul find unwelcoming unhelpful repliers in dota forums. Dont care of what you say tribo. You trying to be relevant on this forum? Try harder. Dude you're obviously not a new dota player so stop acting like one. Sftu and Dota 2 Gay Jugegrnaut that you're a failed smurf and change the question to 'hey guys so I made a new smurf account and calibrated sub 2k how can I improve my dota skills I like to play juggernaut'. An early aquila is great on jugg. Put more points into your healing ward than crit 1 level is enough in early game ,works wonder during teamfights. Bf is especially strong on him as his crit gives him insane clearence and combined with omnni its a pain in the ass. Stack jungle and spin to clear creeps. And when not getting decent amount of farm then I nomally go drums and engage more in teamfights and try to take towers. After BF you can go for more bigger items and if you are playing drums then i suggest you to go manta but if you think you can catch up on farm then bf works too.
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#gay · оригінальний звук - люблю полиночку . Dotabuff ist die führende Statistik- und Community-Internetseite für Dota 2. Juggernaut Dota 2 Spiel Anime Kunstdruck Poster | Ästhetisches Spielzimmer LGBT-Kunst, Wanddeko, Gay, Queer, Bi, Gender, Non-Binary, Poster. Ich würde gerne wissen, welcher Skin wirklich cool und lohnenswert ist oder welcher Gegenstand dir gefällt. 30Geteilt #топ #рекомендаци #dota2 #muvie #тикток #игры #juggernaut. Likes. 0Kommentare.Naga Siren. I just started watching BSJ coaching sessions on youtube recently. Sichere Lane. Un-Sold vs MCs Südostasien Series Karten oder Level. Un-Sold vs RTL. Geben Sie die vollständige URL der Facebook-Seite Ihres Inhalts oder Ihrer Gruppe ein. Un-Sold vs MIAW. Anmelden Shop Startseite Entdeckungsliste Wunschliste Punkteshop Neuigkeiten Statistiken. First pick jugg, ppl don't know how to counter him in 2k. Startseite Diskussionen Workshop Markt Übertragungen. Anmelden Einen Account erstellen Abbrechen. Verifiziert Ranked Rangliste Errungenschaften Höchste Gewinnrate Meiste gespielte Matches Spielzeit. Einige Geodaten dieser Seite werden von geonames. In current meta atk jugg tb void are to go carries for sure. There's too many suggested guide and i wanted to know which one would work for my bracket. U dont play jugg. Dota 2 Shopseite. Gamers Evolution Sea…1 Live-Matches Kürzliche Esport Matches Neueste Matches Siltbreaker Dark Moon. Hero Build. Sie müssen sich anmelden oder einen Account erstellen, um dies zu tun. Centaur Warrunner. SHOP Startseite Entdeckungsliste Wunschliste Punkteshop Neuigkeiten Statistiken. Nach Kategorie filtern. Hi Friends! Links bearbeiten.