About Us Privacy Policy Removal Request. Visit Tumblr Blog. Explore Tumblr blogs with no restrictions, modern design and the best experience. Last Seen Tumblr Blogs. Fun Fact. Tumblr was the first site to host the blog for President Barack Obama in Can we talk about Crush Era 'cause like y'all just know these two were the most obnoxious, most in your face crushes ever Thor still calls them big gay peacocks. Uber has a whole entire tone of voice he uses just for him, Ja Nein's mouthier with him and just more open to confrontation, they blush constantly around eachother which isn't all that much of a problem for Ja Nein but Uber's white ,they do this thing where they tease-flirt eachother and it's just so painfully obvious. For some reason i really like the idea of İron Tank including Von Pushup coming togeather out of boredom to try and matchmake them because let's face it almost every man in the Tank is gay. So like Ja Nein goes 'im fucking the captain ' and they all have to pretend it's a shocker. Very discreet with their affection, no fireworks and fancy words for thesse two also no nicknames it's just not for them. Whenever Uber goes on a long misson he'll give Ja Nein his dog tags which he keeps in his breast pocket. The first few months they slept togeather Ja Nein slapped a nicotine patch on Uber. Uber put tracking chips in everything he could get his hands on. They're both aware of what the other is doing, it's cute to them. İt's less cute when Uber's overbearing nature clashes with Ja Nein's tendency Blue Blood Gay Inzest Fanfiction keep to himself Blue Blood Gay Inzest Fanfiction y'know expections of respect Their arguments are long lived and fiery, they'll both be on eachother's cases for a week or so afterwards but they make up slowly but surely. Uber learns to be more trusting of both Ja Nein and his abilities and Ja Nein slowly let's off as he feels more and more secure both in and about the relationship. Ja Nein's form of apolgizing is asking if he can do anything for him or if he needs anything it took Uber a little time to figure that out. Forehead kisses, hand on the other's shoulder, thigh bumps, just rubbing shoulders and also leaning. Uber likes to suddenly put his whole wait on Ja Nein and watch as he struggles he claims it's cute when they wrestle Ja Nein won't let him up untill he asks 'properly' because good manners are important. They really aren't the gift type but once Uber brought Nein an edelweiss that he pocketed during a misson who thought it was extremely fitting and carefully reserved it in a book. Ja Nein mutters under his breath as he works and Uber can read lips; 'this fuckin tea taste like piss, can i convince Thor to get me ibufren, Uber really packin in that top, i wonder if we'll face İ. U next etc. Villain x Heroine Darklina Alarkling Emma x Hook Christine x Erik Billy x Dinah Spuffy Commodus x Lucilla Buffy x Spike Amy x Charlie Helena x Jurko Bohun x Helena Hook x Wendy Casey x Kevin Anna x David Anne x Vincent Daisy x Ram Fuchsia x Steerpike Amon x Helen Jackson x Lisa Alina x Darkling Ben Barnes Rupert Everett Cillian Murphy Dan Stevens Ralph Fiennes Gerard Butler Jonathan Rhys Meyers Jason Isaacs Joaquin Phoenix. Notes: Eine Fanfiktion One Shot zum Film Schindlers Liste, die Charaktere basieren auf den Darstellungen der Schauspieler; nichts gehört mir, ich verdiene kein Geld damit. Major charakter death. Anmerkungen und Reviews sind erwünscht. Er schien einen sechsten Sinn dafür zu haben. Immer wusste er, wann diese eine Woche war; diese eine verfluchte Woche. Sein Blick hing über der nachtschwarzen Landschaft, in Blue Blood Gay Inzest Fanfiction sich dunkelgrau — hin und wieder von einzelnen Lichtstrahlern angestrahlt — die geduckten Baracken befanden. Ein zaghaftes Klopfen an der Tür. Sobald sie eintrat, spannte sich sein gesamter Körper an. Obwohl er ihr den Rücken zudrehte und sie kein einziges Wort gesagt hatte, da sie fürchtete dass es aufgrund seiner Unberechenbarkeit das letzte sein könnte, spürte er es instinktiv. Wie das warme Blut aus ihrem Körper tropfte und sich zwischen ihren Schenkeln sammelte. Dieses verhasste Blut, erinnerte es ihn doch daran, was er mit aller Macht zu vergessen versuchte und nicht konnte: dass sie eine Frau war, dass er sie begehrte. Seine Hände ballten sich zu Fäusten. Es durfte nicht sein. Er drehte seinen Kopf ein wenig, sodass er ihr einen Blick über seine rechte Schulter zuwerfen konnte. Leicht zitternd stand sie da, ihre Hände nervös gefaltet, den Kopf gesenkt, während sie auf seine nächsten Befehle wartete.
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