The artist Stasya Samar from Odesa has portrayed queer people from southern Ukraine who talk about their experiences of the war. The drawings are accompanied by text and audio reports from those affected. Organizers: Munich Kyiv Queer, Gay Alliance Ukraine, Munich Pride, Cultural Department Munich www. Admission is free. Organizer: Kunsthalle München www. Sat, June 1 Chiemsee Boat Trip Chiemsee Schifffahrt, Prien am Chiemsee For Pridethe Nil, the NY. Club and Ludwig's Wirtshaus are jointly organizing a Pride boat trip on Lake Chiemsee. Music: DJ James Munich. Tickets: www. Contributors: Corinna Behrens, Sabine Brandl, Mo Kast, Matti Laaksonen, Inge Lütt, Lili B. Wilms, Andrea Zimmermann. Organizer: Sabine Brandl, Gisela Weinhändler, Sub e. On this anniversary, we want to be visible for an end to the stigmatization of sex work and for respect Gay Cam Chat Goy sex workers. Come and join us. Whether you are active in sex work or not. We are queer feminist activists working for more visibility and networking on the topic of sex work. Organizer: Netzwerk - Respekt für 6arbeitende München - respect 4 6workers munich Instagram: r46wm. June 5 till 24 Exhibition GOLDEN BOYS at Sub Gay-queer center Sub, Müllerstr. A contribution to the PrideWeeks and the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Münchner Löwen Club. Organiser: Münchner Löwen Club e. What does that mean? All guests will receive a sticker with a number. You can write anonymous messages to other numbers on slips of paper. You then fold up the Gay Cam Chat Goy and hand them in at the bar. For your first message you get a drink on the house : Already taken? Open to everyone up to 27 years. Organizer: diversity München e. Fashion Statements" before the slam from 6 pm. We will examine the messages we have received about queer desire and non-heteronormative gender identities over the course of our lives and how these continue to shape us. We will also develop strategies to empower ourselves and each other. Registration until June 3 at beratung letra. We look forward to welcoming athletes, fans and interested parties! More info: www. On display are not only classic nude paintings, but also portraits and entire scenes. The international artists show a very diverse range of working techniques and styles. The Munich gallery has been presenting exhibitions with a homoerotic focus since and is internationally renowned for this. Organizer: Kunstbehandlung www. They were accompanied for over a year by Francesco Giordano, Stella Deborah Traub, Mara Fischer, Teo Apostolescu, Joseph Wolfgang Ohlert and Florian Tenk. The exhibition shows a transgenerational exchange about queer life and the respective experiences of the generations. Organizer: Stella Deborah Traub, Francesco Giordano, Mara Fischer, Joseph Wolfgang Ohlert, Florian Tenk und Teo Ana Apostolescu www. Various DJs, fun and music. We dance our way to Pride.
Bootblackingkollektiv As part of the leather scene, we are dedicated to the fetish of bootblacking, cleaning, repairing and preserving boots and other leather objects. Zum 3. Organizer: The Werkroom www. Juni Young talents under 27 on stage and enthusiastic word lovers of all ages in the audience are invited.
Alexander van Goy und sein Team lieben Performance-Kunst und überschreiten musikalische Grenzen. Club Sounds, Latin, Gay Pop, Mash Ups, House und Techno. The Munich Pride March is the largest demonstration of lesbians, gays, bisexuals, trans*, inter* and queer people (LGBTIQ*) for equal rights and social. A reckless young ordinary guy in his mid 20's with no good english and wrting skill try to become a writer and publish his own gay erotic books. Pushback policies and practice are an increasing phenomenon at Europe's borders, in clear violation of the rights of asylum seekers and refugees, including the. All-. Funny isn't.Am Vorabend des Pride, am Ihr wollt den PrideGuide auch bei Euch auslegen? MSD Rainbow Alliance Sattelaufleger. Celebrate with us! Erlebe eine spektakuläre Lichtshow und sichere dir jetzt dein Ticket für ein unvergessliches Musikerlebnis! Facebook 25 Jahre TransMann e. Eine Veranstaltung fehlt hier noch? Unter anderem besuchen wir Wohnorte der berühmten lesbischen Vorkämpferin Anita Augsburg und einen frühen Ort von trans-queerem Leben, oft Plätze, denen man ihre queergeschichtlichen Aspekte nicht sofort ansieht. Gesellschaft für Soziale Arbeit. Kinder und Familien können hier ihr individuelles Ich mit all ihren Facetten und die Pride mit bunten LEGO Elementen und LEGO Minifiguren nachbauen. A contribution to the PrideWeeks and the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Münchner Löwen Club. Your hosts this year are Jacky-Oh Weinhaus Berlin , Bine Regensburg Pride and podcast presenter and Frank Team Munich Pride. Come and join us. Infostände LesMamas Der Verein LesMamas sorgt dafür, dass lesbische Frauen mit Kindern und Kinderwunsch Unterstützung und einen festen Platz in unserer Gesellschaft haben. Ein satirischer Musik-Trip über die Sorgen und Träume der Superreichen. With his music and his art, he wants to encourage people to stand up for themselves. Muss nicht sein, wir bringen euch kluge, kommunikative Techniken und frischen Wind. Public institution Website. Organizer: Stella Deborah Traub, Francesco Giordano, Mara Fischer, Joseph Wolfgang Ohlert, Florian Tenk und Teo Ana Apostolescu www. And you can take part in the MLC wheel of fortune. Anmeldung vor Ort. From 2 pm. Im Rahmen der PrideWeeks führen wir durch unsere Räume, stellen die gesammelten Materialien aus dem queeren Leben der letzten Jahrzehnte vor und freuen uns über interessante Gespräche. Wilms, Andrea Zimmermann. JUNI Di, Rainbow Family Area Saturday, June 22, 12 noon till 7 pm Location You will find the Rainbow Family Area on Frauenplatz directly in front of the cathedral. Registration required: vielfalt muenchenstift. Foot group Association www. Tauch ein in eine Welt voller Glanz und Glamour! Eine einzigartige Fusion aus Drag und queerer ukrainischer Kultur. Anmeldeschluss war am Freitag, Association queer-pfaffenhofen. At the event, she will play a set of her own songs and covers, which you are welcome to sing along to. Es zählt der Charakter, nicht die Neigung oder gar die Rolle im SM. Audio and video material embedded from external providers like YouTube, Vimeo oder SoundCloud.